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A. The name of this group of anglers shall be Big Sandy Creek Bass Club.

B. The purpose of this club is to promote sportsmanship, camaraderie, conservation, and education while enjoying the sport of competitive bass fishing, To function as a dynamic and effective link with other chapters of the Texas BASS Nation and the MLF 5 - the Texas Bass Federation embracing the principles and purposes of both organizations.



1. Membership will be by application only and is $20 per year.

2. Prospective members are allowed to fish one tournament as a guest.

a. All acquired weight will carry over while attending as a guest.

b. This rule excludes previous members who have left the club and wish to return.

3. A returning member from the previous year, whose membership has lapsed and is in good standing , may re-join the club by paying their dues prior to fishing any tournaments, 

4. A member must sponsor individuals under the age of eighteen.

a. Sponsors must be over the age of eighteen.

b. Sponsors of such individuals will be responsible for the actions of those so sponsored.

5. Applicants who have been accepted by the majority of the membership shall be become voting members upon payment of annual dues.

6. Membership may be cancelled under any of the following conditions:

a. Violation of the rules.

b. Any action which would reflect dishonor / disgrace on the club, Texas BASS Nation, & the Texas Bass Federation.

c. Non-payment of dues.

d. By recommendation of the officers and a two-thirds majority vote of the club members present at the time of the meeting.


1. Club dues for new and returning members will be $20  for each calendar year.

2. Club dues for the year will be due by the January meeting and delinquent after the meeting in February. Returning members must pay club dues prior to fishing any tournaments scheduled between the January meeting and the February meeting.

3. Yearly Texas Bass Nation dues are $30 for the Nation dues and $30 for the State dues.

a. TBN dues are due before December 31st of each year.

4. Yearly dues for the MLF 5 / Texas Bass Federation are $65.

5. Club dues will be used for club responsibilities and are non-refundable. 




a. Presides over all club meetings and special club functions.

b. Acts as the representative for the club at all club related functions.

c. May vote on any club issues.

d. Assumes the duties of any vacant officer position if the delegated backup officer is not present.

e. Creates and delegates special committees as required for the club to function.


a. Assumes the duties of the President in the absence of the President, or at the President's request.

b. Assumes the duties of the Tournament Director in the absence of the Tournament Director.

c. Assumes the duties of any vacant officer position if the delegated backup officer is not present.


a. Records the minutes at all club meetings.

b. Is responsible for the clubs official standings.

c. Maintains the club roster.

d. Writes and distributes the club newsletter on a monthly basis.

e. Is responsible for clearly recording and keeping the written record of the results of all club tournaments.

f. Is responsible for updating all tournament results, standings, and roster on the club's website.

g. Disseminates the updated information to the Club's Web Master.

h. If the Secretary is not present at the tournament - The President or Vice President will ensure that the tournament results are forwarded to the Secretary for maintaining the club's records.


a. Collects all club dues and tournament fees.

b. Maintains a file of all receipts, bills, canceled checks, and financial reports.

c. Submits a Treasurer's report at each meeting. 

d. Brings a copy of the current month's bank statement to the club meeting.


a. Official timekeeper for all club tournaments.

b. Responsible for measuring and weighing at club tournaments.

c. Maintains club scales.

d. Acts as a point of contact for tournament information. This includes coordinating with members that require a partner,

e. Enforces all tournament rules.


a. Leads a club sanctioned conservation event once a year.

b. Promotes and enforces safe fish handling at all events.

c. Provides current updates on invasive species, fish kills, or diseases in the area if requested.



1. Nomination of officers will occur at the November meeting of each year.

2. Election of officers will occur at the December meeting of each year.

a. The vote may be conducted by secret ballot or by a show of hands by the members present.


1. By member vote, the club may create additional officer positions, along with defining the authority and duties of those positions.



1. Excessive absence of a club officer will result in vacating the officer's seat. Excessiveness will be determined at the discretion of the remaining club officers.

2. Any officer vacancies; except for the seat of the President, will be filled by a nomination and election at the next available meeting. Vote may be by secret ballot or by a show of hands of members present. If the President's seat becomes vacant, the Vice President will assume the role of the President and a nomination and election will be held to fill the seat of the Vice President. National and State Headquarters for both Texas Bass Nation and the Texas Bass Federation shall be notified immediately of the change of any officers.



1. The Constitution & Bylaws may be amended by written / typed proposal only. The proposal shall be

submitted to any club officer at anytime via current electronic methods (no phone calls). The written proposal shall consist of a reason why the document should be amended and a solution to the amendment. The written proposal should reference the specific area in this document.


1. The club officers will review the written proposal and by majority vote of the officers, determine if the amendment should be presented to the club for consideration by the club members.

2. Club members will vote on accepted amendments at the next available meeting after discussion.

a. Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote of members present at the meeting to pass.

3. Printed amended Constitution & Bylaws will be distributed to Officers at the December meeting.  

a. Members may request printed versions of Amended Bylaws upon completion of revisions.

b. The Webmaster will update the Bylaws online after revisions are made.




a. Entry fee for a "one day" tournament is $25 per angler. The entry fee is due and payable prior to or at the weigh -in of each tournament. Failure to pay the entry fee to a tournament fished will render the member ineligible to fish any future tournaments until said entry fee is paid.

b. Entry fee for "two day" tournaments is $30 per angler. A Big Bass Payout will occur for each day of the tournament. The entry fee is due and payable prior to or at the weigh in of each tournament. Failure to pay the entry fee to a tournament fished will render the member ineligible to fish any future tournaments until said entry fee is paid.

c. (Optional) Entry fee for the "Big Bass Of the Year" award is $12. This is a one time fee per year. Members have the option to pay prior to fishing their first tournament of the year. If funds are available, the club will match the pot up to $300 at the end of the year by means of raffles, sponsors, donations, etc... The cut off date for determining if funds are available will be December 1st of the current year. 

d. Only bass caught during regular monthly club tournaments; that are 4 pounds or greater, are eligible to win the awards.


a. All expenses and winnings shall be split between boater and non-boater for each tournament. The boater shall keep written track of all expenses and split the cost with the non-boater at the end of the tournament. If the non-boater refuses to pay their fair share, the boater may take the appropriate expenses from the winnings. If no winnings are due, then the non-boater will be ineligible to fish any future tournaments until appropriate costs are paid. 


a. Five dollars per angler will be deducted from the total pot to be applied to the Big Bass payout for each tournament. Reminder: The big bass must weigh 4 pounds or greater to receive prize money.

i. Ten dollars per angler will be deducted from the total pot to be applied to the Big Bass payout for two day tournaments. Reminder: The big bass must weigh 4 pounds or greater to receive prize money.

b. Tournaments with less than 15 teams - 80% of the tournament entry fees will be paid back to the contestants at the end of the event or the meeting following the tournament. - 20% of the fees will remain in the club treasury.

c. Tournaments with 15 or more teams - 90% of the tournament fees will be paid back to the contestants at the end of the event or the meeting following the tournament. - 10% of the fees will remain in the club treasury.

Standard tournament payouts 1-14 teams will be based on the following scale:

1st Place Team $10 per angler

2nd Place Team $6 per angler

Big Bass $5 per angler

Club Treasury $4 per angler

A Big Bass side pot may be entered into by each member. The fee for each side pot will be determined by the members at the meeting prior to the tournament.

ii. Standard tournament payouts for 15+ teams will be based on the following scale:

1st Place Team $8 per angler

2nd Place Team $6 per angler

3rd Place Team $4 per angler

Big Bass $5 per angler

Club Treasury $2 per angler

A Big Bass side pot may be entered into by each member. The fee for each side pot will be determined by the members at the meeting prior to the tournament.

d. In the event of a tournament in which no fish are weighed, all entry fees will be rolled over into the pot for the next tournament.

e. In the event of a tournament in which only one team weighs fish, 100% of the payback will be paid to that team. 

f. In the event of a tie, the team members involved have the option to split the prize money for the respective places or flip a coin to break the tie. A club officer must perform the coin flip.


1. Members will vote on tournament dates the meeting the month before each tournament.

a. To avoid conflicts, the President shall create a small committee to research weekend availability and present the club with a calendar that displays popular tournaments, events, moon phases, etc... before the December meeting.

2. Members will vote on lakes, tournaments, and specific dates of the elected weekends at the first meeting of the year in January. The President shall create a small committee to research lake productivity and report back to the club before the meetings in the above stated months, 

3. Members will vote on times, type, (paper / CPR, draw, or regular) and weigh-in site for the upcoming tournament during the meeting prior to the tournament.

4. Once a tournament lake is selected by the membership of the club, the lake cannot be changed at the meeting prior to the tournament.

a. Motions to change the lake may need be made at any meeting prior to the meeting immediately preceding the tournament.

i. If a valid reason for changing the lake is brought to the attention of the club at any meeting prior to the tournament it will be discussed by the membership and voted on at the officer's discretion.

ii. Changing the lake requires an 80% passing vote of members present at the meeting.

iii. Decker Lake will be the back up lake if a valid reason or inclement weather forces a change in venue.

5. Once a tournament date is selected by the members of the club the date cannot be changed at the meeting prior to the tournament. The only exception to this rule will be instances of inclement weather that poses a threat to cancellation of the club's monthly event.

a. Motions to change the date may be made at any meeting prior to the meeting immediately preceding the tournament.

i. If a valid reason for changing the date is brought to the attention of the club at any meeting prior to the tournament it will be discussed by the membership and voted on at the officers discretion.

ii. Changing the date requires an 80% passing vote of members present at the meeting.

b. In cases of inclement weather, the date may only be moved forward or backward by one day on that selected tourney weekend.

i. The entire club must be notified and given an opportunity to make a decision on the date change.

ii. The tournament will only proceed if two or less teams are lost from the original field size. 

iii. If the tournament cannot be made up per sections i & ii above, the club as a whole can elect a makeup day later during the year as to not conflict with other tournaments.



a. A team shall consist of two anglers fishing from the same boat.

b. All State, Federal, and Local Laws must be obeyed at all times.

c. If a member is unable to secure a partner, he is eligible to compete as a team as long as he notifies an officer of the club. 

d. A non-club member may only fish in a tournament as a guest of an individual member once per year. 

e. A member cannot fish with another non-sponsored member more than 4 times per year. This excludes draw tournaments.

f. Contestants will abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages until after tournament hours. 

g. Any angler involved in a BSCBC tournament must not be paid for any services during the fishing hours of the event.

h. An angler may not pay a guide to fish with them during fishing hours of a tournament.


a. Each contestant is required to wear a Coast Guard approved life preserver anytime the boat is on plane. 

b. The kill switch must be attached to the boat operator any time the big motor is in operation.

c. Due to inclement weather, officers may shorten the tournament ours or cancel it for the safety of its members.


a. Standard starting time will be safe light (15-30 minutes before sunrise) and standard weigh-in time will be 3:00 PM for a one day tournament and the first day of a two day tournament. Standard weigh-in time for the second day of a two day tournament shall be 1:00 PM. Tournament hours can be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of members attending the meeting before the tournament. Each tournament must be at least 8 hours in duration with the only exception being the second day of a two day event and the BSCBC Classic Championship.

b. Members must all launch from the designated weigh-in ramp.

c. The Tournament Director will determine the launch time (safe light) and the method of launch order (in order by draw or shotgun launch).

d. No fishing is allowed from 12:00 AM to tournament start time on the day of the tournament.

e. No fishing is allowed from outside your boat or within 50 yards of an anchored or tied boat with it's trolling motor in the stored position without the express permission of it's occupants.


a. Only artificial lures may be used., the only exception is pork rind trailers.

b. Only one rod per person may be use in use at any one time. Each cast must be completed before another is made. 

c. Trolling with the main engine is NOT allowed.


a. The bag limit for each tournament shall be five fish per day, or the lake limit if less than five.

b. All tournament contestants must be at the weigh-in site at the time of weigh-in. A late penalty of 4 oz. per minute will be assessed on the team's tournament weight up to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes the team's total catch will be disqualified. The penalty will be assessed as 2 oz. per team member. If a team member has no catch - his or her  portion of the penalty will be waived. i.e. - no negative penalty.

c. All fish must be transported to and from the weigh-in line in a bag filled with water. Failure to follow this rule will result in disqualification of that day's catch.

d. A penalty of 4 oz. per dead fish weighed will be assessed against the individual member's weight. If the big bass to be weighed is dead, the 4 oz. penalty will be subtracted from the big bass weight.

e. Only largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass will be weighed. Each spotted bass must be a minimum length of 12 inches on lakes with no minimum length limit set (Excludes paper tournaments). The "Check-It Stik" measuring board will be the official measuring board used by the club & Tournament Director to measure fish. Fish will be measured with the mouth closed and tail compressed or fanned. 

f. Non-puncture cull clips must be used in order to cull fish. This is a preventive measure that prevents additional holes in their mouths that lead to infection, permanent damage, and or death.


a. Catch Photo Release format to be exercised. (Top 2 teams will submit catch photos to the Tournament Director for verification). 

b. Weight of fish shall be determined by weight chart or scale provided by the club. All lengths & weights are to be verified & photographed by boating partner.

c. Provisions will be made to any angler that is without a partner due to no show at the ramp the morning of the tournament. 

i. An item (poker chip) will be given to anglers at the ramp by the Tournament Director and or officers.

Each fish must be photographed on a regulation measuring stick / scale and include the item given by the Tournament Direct for the fish to be counted for the anglers paper or scale weight.

d. To be eligible to qualify for the big bass pot, the fish must be legal by lake rules and brought to weigh-in and weighed on club scales. Overall standings and weight for the tournament will be determined by paper or scale weight of the big bass.

e. Guests are allowed to fish in paper tournaments but are encouraged to fish with current members.



a. Draw for partners at the ramp.

i. Draw tournaments will be conducted by drawing for partners 30 minutes prior to start time. All contestants must be present before the draw can take place ( Must be on the Tournament Directors list of participants). If a contestant will be late he must contact the Tournament Director and notify him of the estimated time of arrival. The draw will take place no later than 10 minutes before the start of the tournament. All contestants that are not present at the time of the draw will be penalized 2 pounds per person subtracted from their overall weight for that tournament.

ii. To be included in the draw each boater must secure a non-boater or each non-boater must secure a boater prior to the tournament. 

iii. In cases of hardship, a member may fish solo without penalty if the draw tournament is a regular tournament. 

iv. In case of hardship due to a paper / draw tournament, see Article V Section C-6-b-ii for rules for fishing solo.

b. Draw for partners at the meeting.

i. The draw for partners at a meeting before the tournament will be done so by taking an equal number of boaters and non-boaters that have declared their intention to fish and drawing for partners with those members. All other members that are not in attendance but who wish to fish will go into a draw by phone, or at the ramp conducted by the tournament director before the start of the tournament. Ifa member going into a draw by phone does not have a draw partner, the member will wait until a draw is attempted at the ramp.

ii. In cases of hardship, a member may fish solo without penalty for regular tournaments. 

iii. In case of hardship for a paper / draw tournament, see Article V section C-6-b-i for rules for fishing solo.

iv. Guests are allowed to fish in draw tournaments.


a. TBN tournament rules and regulations will be used if a rule that is not specifically covered in these rules.


a. Under special conditions, rules may be changed by majority vote.


a. All protests must be submitted in writing to a club officer within 15 minutes of the final weigh-in.

b. Any violation of tournament rules may result in disqualification at the discretion of all officers in attendance. 

c. Resolution of the protest will take place at the weigh-in sight within 30 minutes of the written protest.

i. In the event that a decision cannot be rendered at the weigh-in sight the resolution will take place at the next scheduled meeting.



1. This yearly tournament rewards those who actively participate in the club throughout the year,

2. If funds are available, the club will contribute up to $600.00 bonus prize money to the tournament. The payout scale will be decided by club vote at the meeting before the tournament.


1. For a club member to qualify for this event, the member must have fished a minimum of 3 BSCBC tournaments throughout the season.


1. This tournament will be a team tournament on a lake in which the club has not fished in the corresponding season.

2. Entry fee will be $20 per contestant. 100% of the tournament entry fees will be paid back to the contestants at the meeting following the tournament.

3. The lake and date of the tournament will be determined by vote of the qualifying members at the October meeting. 

4. The time, ramp, and rules will be determined by vote of qualifying members at the meeting prior to the tournament. 

5. This tournament will be a draw / team event for a 10 fish limit.

6. The draw for the teams will be done so with qualifying members. Option to be a boater is based on current years standing.

7. Alternates will be used when a team is needed to be filled. Alternates are chosen based on being a pre-qualifier,

current member, and by total tournaments attended.

8. If funds are available the club will purchase appropriate plaques or trophies for the winning teams of the Classic tournament including Big Bass. If funds are limited, the club will vote to decide what plaques or trophies will be purchased.




1. If funds are available, the club will contribute money to the top six members in the corresponding year standings for expenses to the TBN State Championship. The amount contributed by the club shall be determined at the January meeting.


1. Members are required to wear BSCBC attire.


1. For a Top Six member to participate in this tournament, the member must be active and in good standings.


A. The club Secretary shall maintain and publish individual club standings in monthly newsletters or online.

B. Standings will be determined as follows:

1. Each member will earn tow pounds (points) for attending each club meeting.

2. Each member will earn two pounds (points) for attending each club tournament. Three pounds (points) for a two day tournament. 

3. Each member will earn the actual weight of fish weighed in at each club tournament.

4. Each member that works in a club sponsored open tournament will be rewarded 1 pound (point) for working that tournament. Member participation rewards are determined by the officers discretion.

5. Each member will earn extracurricular bonus points for participation in activities in which the club is actively seeking participation from members. Some examples are fishing TBN Regional events, fishing sanctioned events, kid fish events, attending conservation education, Casting Kids events, etc. The bonus points awarded for the activity must be discussed and approved by the club officers before the event.

6. Anglers are allowed to drop one tournament day per year.

a. The two tournament points will be accrued for the dropped tournament day if the angler fishes all 12 club events, Only the weight will be deducted,

7. An angler's meeting attendance, tournament attendance, extra points, 10 best tournaments, and the Championship results will determine year end totals.



1. First place "Angler Of the Year" and the remainder of the Top Six individuals; as determined by the final club standings, will be awarded plaques. 

2. If funds are available, the club will award the Angler Of the Year by paying for a Big Sandy Creek Bass Club jersey noting "Angler Of the Year." This jersey would be worn to represent the club at events such as the  TBN State Championship, TBF State Qualifier, or TBF Club Top Six tournament.


1. The club should vote on a banquet date and location for the corresponding year standings for the Top Six. This banquet should be the week following the Top Six team tournament and should be held no later than the first week of May.



1. Standard meeting time is 7:00 PM.


1. Meetings will be held on the 1st Monday of each month.



1. All donors or charitable contributions to Big Sandy Creek Bass Club will receive a receipt for all cash items.


1. A portion of all money received from donations will be contributed to a select charity.

2. The remaining amount will be held in the club treasury.

Last Revision:


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